Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Well, part of my waiting is over! I found out that my placement is at Farragut High School, one of the largest schools in Knox County. It wasn't one of my choices at first, but my supervisor highly recommended that I take the opportunity. So I did. The only thing is that I will be at the high school for the entire semester, not part of the time at a middle school. But that's ok, I've gotten good middle school time this semester. It's really nice to let that go and prepare for it instead of wondering. My student teaching finally has a name, a voice, and it's a real place, not just somewhere I'll go in January....

So it's nice to have an actual school to think about in my last 19 DAYS. Whew. The home stretch. We have a lot of things going on in December and I know it will fly by, in a good fun way. Speaking of "we," Pastor Jack and I had a great time with our families over Thanksgiving! It worked out so well with both families and we got to spend a lot of fun times over the long weekend. (This part is for you Jenny). It was even better because this was the first time I had ever had a major holiday with a boyfriend! And I won't speak for Jack, but I'm pretty sure he has never had a girlfriend at a major holiday at home either. We are just full of special things. The whole holiday extended almost a week for us. Even until last night when MY cousins came to town! And we celebrated Osh's birthday, Thanksgiving, and LIFE at Salsarita's. I haven't seen all three of my cousins together at one time in such a long time. PLUS, little Felicity came, which was just delicious. It was nice for everyone to see Mamaw too....

So last night was my last "real" School Law class. What a joke! That class has been an absolute waste of time. I never felt like I was in grad school while I was taking that class. The first class, we had to take a "Pre-Test" to see what we knew about school law. Last night we took a "Post-Test" that you have to make 20 points higher on than you did on the pre-test. So everyone knows that you are supposed to do really bad on the first one, so you don't have to try that hard for the second one. For example, I got a 33 (ha!) on the first test, so I have to make a 53 on this test to get the points for the test. How funny. I also had to fill out an evaluation, not for the school, but for the "teacher." He asked if we "got our money's worth out of the class." I said (my name wasn't on it) that I had only because it was a required credit. The only thing that I learned in his class the whole semester was that the last time it was as hot as it was in August, we had the Blizzard of '93. Take that, Farmer's Almanac. Next week we are not having class, but merely turning in our last assignment then going to dinner as a class. Sheesh.

So, I have to be careful what I eat at work this month. People are starting to bring in holiday goodies. I just had some chex mix, some homemade cracker candy, and now my old boss in the sales department just called and is bringing me some cheesecake. Great. Gina is coming to Knoxville today to shop (yay!) so maybe I will give her some of my cheesecake.

Remember when I was so excited that it was fall and a new season? Well, I am just as excited about December. I love all the holiday parties and gatherings and everyone is nicer, except maybe on the roads. This year I am going to learn more about Advent. I think there is more to it than just lighting candles at church each week. I'm sure the Good Reverend will be glad to bestow some knowledge upon me. By the way, back to student teaching, I am so ready to feel smart again! I miss using my brain all the time and learning and reading so much.

One last thing, congratulations to my dear friend Ashley! Ashley is my oldest, dearest, sweetest friend and she got engaged on Sunday! She lives in Washington, D.C. and she is so great. We have known each other since we were little bitty and I am so happy for her!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well, first of all I know you all want to know the countdown update: Tomorrow it will be exactly ONE MONTH until my last day. Today I have 22 working days. As happy as I am to know that the end is in sight, it's also becoming a little bittersweet, much to my surprise. Just the level of familiarity and comfort I have here will take a long time to get anywhere else. But that's ok. And I'm not really that close to anyone here, but they all know and care about me. Going into somewhere new where that hasn't happened yet is a little intimidating. So, in the meantime, I am just waiting for the end of my tenure at WVLT. Granted, I am enjoying my wait, of course, with birthdays and Thanksgiving and spending QT with Pastor Jack.

I am also waiting on my student teaching placement! Help us pray that that will be a good fit. Wherever it is.

Today at work we had our annual Thanksgiving lunch. This is one day where I like my reception job because I can just take my lunch and come back to my desk, when everyone else has to go to the newsroom for a staff meeting. So for the past half hour, it has been so peaceful and quiet. I'm sure someone will come tell me what wonderful knowledge was imparted upon the staff.

Today is also my mom's birthday! I stopped to see her at work and she was having a good day. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving too. It's mine and the Good Reverend's first Thanksgiving together! How special. We will have a King afternoon and a McNeil evening. The schedule worked out great, which is a blessing. We will eat all day long and be with both families!

Unfortunatley, I don't have any funny stories or unusual phone calls to tell about. Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Keep Praying!

I find that after a sleepless night it is therapeutic to write on my blog. So the night before last, I slept great, like 10 hours great. Then last night it was about 3 hours. And I DON'T KNOW WHY. I mean, there's a lot on my mind, but nothing that should keep me awake. So I called my doctor and she prescribed something different (sorry Gina), but maybe that will make a difference. But keep praying if you think of it! I hate to rely on drugs, I really do, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And its not like they're illegal drugs.

So anyway, I hate that my sleeping issues seem to be taking up most of my thoughts these days. I think I have almost a harder time with that than I do actually physically feeling bad. It's my goal to think of other things today.

At work, I have gotten to know the PR manager at UT Hospital. He comes in for interviews on the noon show. For some reason, I just think he is a good contact to have. I'm excited about teaching, but I love PR. I have also gotten to know the publisher for the Knoxville News Sentinel. He is really easy to talk to and was interested in my journalism degree. It's just nice to tuck these little tidbits away. Networking.

This part is for the Good Reverend a.k.a. the Gourmet Chef. Last night was our last Wednesday night Bible study. We had a Thanksgiving potluck with tons and tons of food. Well, "our" contribution was Jack's Famous Rosemary Roasted Red Potatoes. (I added the "famous" because after last night they deserve it.) They are really so very good and were a huge hit at the dinner. Whenever he makes them for us, I save them for last and eat them like dessert, but better. They are like a delicacy from a foreign country, but better. They are pretty much my favorite thing that my personal Gourmet Chef makes. He is my personal chef. He always seems to know what to cook on the right day. What a sweetie. And I clean, just so you know it's even, even though the potatoes are better than, say, loading the dishwasher.

Today is a very wintery, blustery day. I had a giant coffee from Panera and I have my book to read this afternoon. I got in trouble for watching Oprah on the big TV in the lobby, probably because she is not on our station, so I can't do that anymore. Unless the GM is gone. Mwahaha.

25 days and counting!!

Friday, November 10, 2006


29 days and counting!!!!!

Need I say more? I will. I am so happy that the countdown is less than 30 work days. Everyone at work is being great and keeping close count along with me. In all seriousness, they are really supportive about me student teaching and going to "bigger and better things." So I can say, in my last days, that it is not personal, it's just business.

Sleep update: This week has been much better than the past couple of months. After Sunday night when I slept for about 2 hours, I think my body had just had it. Jack and I had a great prayer time and I felt really peaceful when I went to sleep that next night. Then today, I had a doctor's appointment with my favorite doctor and she said, "you just hate your job and it's stressing you out and the stress is waking you up at night. You just need another job girlfriend, and you've got that coming in about six weeks." I love that my doctor calls me girlfriend. So I think by her saying that, it will help me know that I'm not crazy and I'll sleep more peacefully.

The Office. Oh, how I love that show. Check Cousin Osh's blog for an amazing video. As much as I love Grey's Anatomy, and you can see from previous posts, I am quickly being sucked into the joys and triumphs of the world of The Office. It's a great escape into a different office from the one I am in now. Pam is my hero, but I don't need a Jim because I have a Jack. Jack is better than Jim.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is in two weeks. And my Mom's birthday. And Cousin Osh's birthday. And then my Last Day will be here and then Christmas! Oh my.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Time to Sleep

Ok Praying People.... I need you! There are so many prayer warriors in my life and I am so thankful. I need you to pray that I can SLEEP. I sleep so well on the weekends, but last night, Sunday night, I slept horribly. If I even slept. My brain won't turn off from worrying, thinking, analyzing, etc. etc. I am determined to conquer this with lots of prayer and postitive thinking. I WILL sleep well tonight! I am healthy, happy, and I WILL sleep! Psalm 127 says the Lord will give his beloved sleep. How precious! Thank you Lord for those promises. Praying People, please pray that my brain will stay "off," even if I wake up in the night. And if you have any helpful words of wisdom or advice, they would be much appreciated.