Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Go Vols.

Well, here it is. The long anticipated December 22nd. I can't believe it is actually here and I am actually moving on with my life after today at 5:30 p.m. I just sent out an email to a bunch of people here at work to give them my non-work email and to say good bye. It was so refreshing to write that. I think I will definitely have a glass of wine in celebration tonight.

Here is the reason my job can be entertaining:

Yesterday a lady came in to pick up some movie tickets that she had won. Well, she was absolutley thrilled to be in the same building as the "famous people." She was taking pictures and even went to the door of the lobby, stood with her toes on the edge of the carpet and leaned into the hallway, looking for someone she might recognize. HILARIOUS. So she went outside, and was taking pictures of this hideous bear that is outside in front of our building. The bear is orange and white checkerboard and in the white spaces are pictures of UT sports. Classic. So she was taking pictures of it from all angles. THEN, she knocked on the door to the lobby and wanted us to come out and take pics of her WITH the bear. So the wife of one of the department heads was in here and she went outside to take this woman's picture. Well, the woman didn't just stand next to the bear, she got on TOP of the bear and straddled the orange and white bear. All I could say was "Thank you." What a way to go out. It was a reminder to find joy in the small things, yet be discerning in where you find that joy!

The best phone call of today....
Me: Volunteer TV
Woman: (screaming) WHAT?!?
Me: Volunteer TV
Woman: Is this Channel 8???
Me: Yes, can I help you?
Woman: Well, the Lady Vols are on ESPNU tonight, what channel is that?
Me: (pause of frustration) You will have to check your TV guide for that. This is CBS, not ESPN. But that is probably ESPN2.
Woman: (shouting) SIX?
Me: (louder this time) um.... 2!! As in 1, 2!
Woman: Oh, not SIX? Well, ok, thanks.
And she hung up.
How SIX and TWO sound similar I will never know.

Let the Christmas Festivities begin!
Oh, and P.S. I slept great last night for seven hours. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

This too shall pass

Well folks, here it is, the day that we've all been waiting for... the Eve of My Last Day. People here at work are great, remembering that its my last week. Rick Russo, the sports anchor, whom I LOVE, was sad to say goodbye. I guess it will be more bittersweet tomorrow than I realize. I have been sort of a fixture here at the front desk for over a year and at the station for two. It's the end of an era.
On the other hand, there are so many things going on in our lives right now. One of which is getting used to life without my sweet grandmother. Her passing away has made this "season" not so Merry and just hard to remember that Christmas is a few days away. I just pray that after I feel rested and am around the Kings and McNeils a lot more I will feel more in the spirit of the season.
I have been sleeping at night, which is great, except I didn't last night. Well, at four a.m. I went to sleep. We are just praying that I can get good, regular sleep after my tenure at WVLT is over and I can get it off my brain.
When I started to post this blog today I had so many good thoughts I was going to write. However, the first sentence took about 45 minutes to write because of all the ridiculous interruptions I've had. One thing I've learned in my job that is an important life skill to use is that when you call or come to a place of business remember WHY you have contacted the business. I've had two phone calls and one visitor that have tried to describe who or what they want, but they just can't articulate it or remember the names or even the English language. It does not do well for me to have to try and figure out why someone is calling me or talking to me. I can handle most any ridiculous human trait, except I haven't figured out how to read minds yet. I am working on it, but until then, please remember, public, why you are contacting the local TV station.
So, tonight is a King family dinner, tomorrow night a McNeil family dinner, Saturday is Christmas with the King's, Sunday the Good Reverend is preaching in the morning and then has three more services that night, then Monday is Christmas Day with the McNeil's. So somewhere in all that I pray I can find time to rest, reflect, and remember. Not really, but I'm serious about the resting part. Then after Christmas, I will do some serious resting and reading for my student teaching! I think after my brain feels rested I will be able to focus on what I need to do to prepare for Farragut. There is so much going on with family I haven't even thought much about it.
Oh, and special thanks to blog world friends, and real friends too, Derek and Yancy for making the trip to Etowah from Alabama for Mamaw's funeral. It meant so much to our family. And Jack's mom and dad, Linda and Don, made a special trip too. It means so much to have people drive a good distance to come to a funeral of someone they barely knew or didn't know.
Well, hopefully the next time I blog will be a) before Christmas and b) from a much more rested me.
PS I think the mailman that comes here is out to get me... he always discourages me from teaching and then just now he said, "One more day! I bet you won't sleep tonight!" $%&*!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Yes, I am a Gemini...

Exciting news! First of all, I know you are wondering how many days I have left at WVLT, and today is the official TWO WEEK mark. Two weeks from today will be my very last day. My friend at work pointed out that the 22nd is also the first day of winter, which is literally a NEW SEASON in my life! And we all know how I feel about the change of seasons, months, etc. So that is pretty cool, I think... but I'm a nerd.

Secondly, I went to Farragut this morning to figure out where the heck I'm supposed to go and to meet the department head and my mentoring teacher. Farragut has 2300 students... that is pretty much the size of the City of Alcoa. My graduating class was 82... holy cow FHS is big! Everyone was very nice and helpful when I went in. I met the department head and she was helpful, but my mentoring teacher is the point of this entire blog post. When she was called out of her class to come meet me, she burst out of the room with SUCH a welcoming spirit. She is Greek, very "athletic" looking, and her hair might be a little big longer than Pastor Jack's. She was giving me her information and I wrote down my email address for her... as I was doing that, she asked me when my birthday was. Here is the conversation:

"When is your birthday?!" (everything she said needs an exclamation point)
"My birthday? Um, June 4th."
"A GEMINI! Fantastic! I am too!"
"Oh! Ok, that's great..."
"A Gemini.... that means you are organized and a good communicator! This is going to work so well!"
"Well, I guess that is me..."

So, evidently it is very important that I am a Gemini. She mentioned that about two other times in our converstation. She said she is "highly organzied and intense and that I will learn more in one semester than all the students combined." I have a feeling that with her I will!
Also, she teaches two RUSSIAN classes and two lit classes. I will not be in her Russian classes. She would probably love it if I was though.

I am feeling overwhelmed, excited, nervous, unprepared and prepared all at the same time. I haven't started a new job in two years, so this is really exciting. It's starting a new job and a first day of school. I am really glad I have two weeks after work before FHS to read and get ready!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dear Mr. Mailman:

Just to vent quickly.... Why do people always give me their opinions on why I shouldn't teach, why it's a bad profession, how much I will make or not make, etc. etc. etc. It's so frustrating. It's even more frustrating than the age old question, "When are YA'LL going to get married?" and that is REALLY frustrating (no offense to you with good intentions).

It's amazing the number of people that offer me their unsolicited advice on my future profession. More and more people are finding out that my last day is approaching (14 days from today), so they are either encouraging and upbeat about it, or very passionate in their reasons for why "they would never do that." Ok, then don't, but let me. I don't know why people do that. I would never say to our HR lady, "oh my goodness I would never choose to do that job, you will never get paid enough, I don't see how you could have the patience for that." Or it's like telling Jack, "Oh I would never do your job, think of all the emotions and hormones you have to put up with." WHY would you intentionally discourage someone about the career they are finishing a graduate degree for? I don't get it. I mean, even the MAILMAN today found out I was leaving the station and launched into a 10 minute lecture on teaching and why he can't see why anyone would do it.

Ok, soapbox... Maybe that's WHY PEOPLE ARE THE WAY THEY ARE TODAY. Nobody wants to be taught, so no one wants to teach... thus going into a downward spiral of humanity that has not reached their full learning ability because they don't care and they just want to criticize others who actually CARE what they and society learn, in school and out.

So, Mr. Mailman, PLEASE don't tell me why you don't understand teachers; please, Ms. HR Lady, don't tell me how terrible teenagers are; and please, Mr. Random Person That I Will Never Talk to Again, don't tell me how I will have to be a parent to these kids; maybe thats what I'm supposed to be to someone. After you earn the respect that a teacher demands and deserves THEN we can talk about it. But if you don't have the heart for smelly, hormonal, emotionally sensitve high schoolers, I don't want to hear it!

The End.

P.S. I would like it if you posted comments on what you think about this.

P.P.S. It really is down to TWO and a HALF WEEKS. I am so excited. I'm going to Farragut on Friday, so check back then and I'll let you know how it went and if I know what grades I'll be in. Keep your fingers crossed.

P.S.S. Tomorrow Pastor Jack and I are going to Nashville to see Andrew Peterson at the Ryman! I am so excited. I haven't been to Nashville in a long time and A.P. is great. More than great, really. We are staying with Jack's Aunt Judy. Pray for us as we keep up an extremely busy schedule. Ah, the joys of a church....

Friday, December 01, 2006


Here is my therapy I am sharing with you today. You should try it; it's good for the soul.

I am: me... sometimes that's good, sometimes that's not.
I want: snow, a fire, and hot chocolate.
I hate: that I worry.
I miss: my friends.

I fear: enough.
I hear: hummings.

I wonder: too much.
I regret: my semester off.
I am not: perfect.
I dance: in my car.

I sing: all the time.
I cry: when I hurt.
I am not always: sweet.
I write: on my blog.
I need: a challenge.
I should: read more literature.

I start: books.
I finish: well.