Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I was just checking my blog to see if anybody had posted a comment... well, "somebody" HAD and it was a SPAM about VIAGRA!! WHAT?!?! That is not cool, blogger. Seriously. If you are going to do spam, at least know your audience. I updated my blog, and I don't really know what that means. Maybe it will download pictures. That would be delightful.

So I survived my 7th week of student teaching. I was sick for most of the week, and teachers do NOT want to be around sick people, so they sent me home early every day. That was really nice, even though I couldn't breathe. I attempted to teach this horrible Romantic Period poem, "Thanatopsis." It was awful. The poor children will probably fail that part of their test. Poetry and I go together like oil and water, so to teach it to a class was a painstaking adventure.

Today Jack and I had an adventure. My name had been drawn in a contest to win a 3 day/2 night vacation of our dreams. So we had to go to the Ho Jo on Kingston Pike to watch a demonstration and listen to their spiel and then we could get our prize. Well, we walked into the Ho Jo, which reeked of old smoke, and there were about 2 other couples there to claim their Myrtle Beach dream vacation. The guys who were running the "program" did not CARE. We waited and waited for them to get started and finally they did, but they didn't want to actually DO anything. The guy just goes, "well, I don't really feel like doing this, so I'll just give you the brochure and you can go." He was supposed to do a cooking demonstration so we would buy the cookware. He said, "if my boss asks, the chicken was good." HA!! So Jack and I walked out of there with a 3 day 2 night vacay to some pretty cool places. It was so sleazy and shady, but we think the vacation is for real.

Then we went to pick out WEDDING INVITATIONS! It was fun and Jack was very patient and helpful. It was easier to go with him than by myself because he doesn't agonize over all the details like I do. Guys.

This week I have to teach Longfellow, Emerson, and Thoreau. I have to study and do homework and it is NOT COOL. But it will be over in May!


Blogger JDL said...

Was it for Waterless cookware? If so, Katie and I went to that too, and we had to sit through the presentation.

The chicken actually was good.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

i got yer viagrums right here!

4:42 PM  
Blogger ImaMommie said...

omg Em... Aaron and I went through the SAME thing! I think they must find out who all the engaged couples are in the world (seriously) and send them the vacation spiel to leur them into the sales pitch for the cookware. Be GLAD you didn't have to go through it! It took them at least 2 hours to show us everything. I mean, yeah the cookware is awesome, but they have three sets and the cheapest one was right under $1,000.00 I am NOT lying. And they are SUCH good salespeople that one other couple that was in our meeting actually bought it! What a waste. I'm glad you didn't have to go through that and, yes... the chicken was awesome... But so is the chicken that I cook on our $5 pan from walmart! :o)

10:38 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

oh, and i'm glad you aren't marrying PBJ

12:55 PM  

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