Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


So today I got a tall coffee, a mix of Seattle Roast and House blend with a Splenda and skim milk, from Atlanta Bread Company, which is right next door to my gym. I enjoyed it for quite a while. I took a shower, got dressed, etc. etc. I borrowed a really cute white shirt from Mom. Then I went to Mamaw's to see her, Jodie, FELICITY and the rest of the fam. As I was leaving, and I still had my coffee, Jodie's wonderful husband pointed out that I had not one, but FOUR huge circles of coffee stains on my awesome, borrowed shirt. Dang it. I thought there would be something at work that I could use to take it out, so I just went ahead and left. But the more I thought about it, I decided I should stop at Walgreens and get a stain remover. I got this...

And it is a MIRACLE!!!!!! Tide to Go is my new favorite thing. I want to purposely stain things so I can see the miracle with my own eyes. If you ever need a stain removed, please call me and we will take care of it.

In other weird, frustrating people news, this crazy woman called today and wanted me to READ her a recipe that our noon show chef does. She didn't want to get it off the website, she didn't want it in the mail, she wanted me to READ her the ingredients. I didn't. Seriously, I am feeling more defiant in my final months at WVLT and am refusing to fulfill people's insane, ridiculous requests. All in love of course.

Babies. I love babies. I think they are the most peaceful people in the whole world. I think Felicity is just fabulous. My niece/cousin. My nousin. She is such a round, happy baby. Her knees look like cinnamon rolls and I just want to bite them. Jodie and Aaron do such a wonderful job with her. I am so proud to see my little cuz be a mom. I will post pictures once Jodie gives them to me. Or Jodie will post pictures. :)

One more thought, I am still eating God's food, for those of you who remember that post from the summer. It is still working really well and I'm saving money! Thank you God for your food!

Monday, September 25, 2006

An African Vent

Today's post is about Africa. I think most people know that I love it. It is something, one of the few things, that I am really passionate about. The land, the cultures, the environment, the animals, the people.... it just stirs something in me that few things really do. This time just last year I was planning my second trip to Kenya with Cousin Jodie! I can't believe it's been a year ago. Sometimes the spring and especially the fall weather reminds me of Africa. The drier air, the crispness, and the breeze. In Africa, the sky seems lower and the clouds seem so low, like you can reach up and touch them. The sky is one of my favorite things there. (I will post pictures from home.)

I feel like I am writing a book report on Africa, which I really don't want to do, but sometimes I just want to talk and talk and talk about what I've seen and who I've met. I think it hits me when I feel too American-ized or when I like to think there is life and a world outside the lobby of WVLT. I know there is! I just have to remind myself that there is and that I've been there!

(You should click here. One of my cousins' blog friends posted this and I thought I would too. It's a watering hole in Africa where you can watch animals come and, well, get water. And even if animals aren't around, you hear all the birds and frogs. So be sure to have your sound on, but not too loud or the frogs will seriously blow you away. I know.)

So one day I will go back to Africa, Lord willing (as they say in Kenya). I'd like to say I'm determined to, which I am, but I want to go when God wants because that is best. I still have my dream of teaching in a one room school house with kids in uniforms all over the place, reciting the ABC's and poems and Scriptures. I can always close my eyes and smell and taste the ugali and sukumu wiki (food) and the coffee and the beans and the white bread with jam. I'm so thankful that those things will never leave my senses, Lord willing. And I'm so thankful that my trips changed me so much, so that now, 5 years and one year later, I am still longing for a land that desperately needs Jesus, education, and love. And those are all things that I can show them.

This is what I wrote in an email to my mom one time, when I was feeling much like I am feeling today. "...and then we will go to bed and look at the stars and smell the African air and listen to the crickets; and thank God that we are in Africa where people are simple and faith is childlike, and we are grateful for the things that we have because we have everything we need."

Sigh. And I haven't even talked about the kids at the children's homes or the babies or the street kids. Or the teenagers in church who are so desperately starved for love. Or the parents who love their families and are struggling to feed them every day. Sigh.

I promise the next post won't be so somber! But seriously, check that link and if you go to Africa, take me.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Three Months and Counting

I can't believe how happy I am to watch a TV show. I know, it sounds so shallow, but I love Grey's Anatomy. And it was so good last night! Pastor Jack even watched it with me and, crossing fingers, he might have liked it! Ah, Grey's. I will just go ahead and admit it, it's my favorite escape from the monotony that is my life from 12-5:30 every day.

Speaking of work, as of today.... 3 MONTHS TO GO!

I am so very happy about that. December 22 will be SUCH a glorious day. It's the Friday before Christmas and trust me, I will be celebrating the season with a whole new joy! I am getting more and more excited and ready to student teach in January. The more I am in the classroom now, the more I feel prepared and like I can really do it. I can really be a teacher. I didn't realize how well I knew the material and really even LIKED English. A lot. And the 8th graders have been good for me. They need to remember to use deoderant, but I like that age because they are still kids, yet can be more independent.

So, as I sit here and get completely irritating phone calls from people that need to go outside and get a life, I just remember that I have 3 months and counting before I can really apply myself to something that I think I might love. This season is just preparing me... for something better... I am staying positive!

Rejoice in the Lord, always, and again I say rejoice! Phil. 4:4

The LORD your God is in your midst,a mighty one who will save;he will rejoice over you with gladness;he will quiet you by his love;he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How Happy Am I...

I am SO EXCITED that Grey's Season Two is out! I LOVE GREY'S ANATOMY! I think I am going to use my birthday money to purchase... This is the longest birthday money has ever lasted for me! And it should be used on Grey's.

Next... (this blog post is about TV) the Good Reverend and I watched this absolutely disgusting thing on the Discovery Channel last night. It's a show called Dirty Jobs and they are NOT kidding when they say Dirty. I don't want to go into details, because I would become nauseous, but let's just say it was about what happens to left over food at a Las Vegas buffet. SICK. It was such a masochist thing to do.... we were about to throw up, yet couldn't tear our eyes away. If you enjoy grossing yourself and your loved ones out, watch Dirty Jobs.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This 'n' That

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to new parents Gina and Peter! Jack Dailey was born September 10 at 2:18 a.m. 7 lbs. 14 oz. (Gina, correct me if I'm wrong!) He's a cutie!

Secondly, I am looking at an autographed picture of country music star Keni Thomas. That's right people! This is one of my perks of working at WVLT the ALL VOL station. I get to constantly cheer on the Vols and meet B-list country music singers. He is singing at the Tennessee Valley Fair tonight and was here doing a promo for it. He so graciously signed an 8x10 photo for me. "Emily- Stay Strong- KENI. Isaiah 6:8" Interesting verse to sign on an autograph, but I like it. And of course he "dotted" the "I" with a star. So if you happen to be at the Tennessee Valley Fair tonight, be sure to check out Keni with a star.

Thirdly and most surprisingly, I am going to the UT/Florida game on Saturday. And I'm not fighting it. I don't know what it is, maybe its the Holy Spirit (yeah right), but I'm looking forward to it. I think it will feel like fall outside and it won't be hot, so that's a big reason why I think it will be nice.

Next, the tutoring at Alcoa Middle is finally starting to go well. I was frustrated the first few days I went because there was no structure at all in the English class I am in. But now, there are 3 boys that I can help, one of which is on a second grade reading level. It's sad, but I'm really thankful that I can be used to help him read and understand. I don't know how kids get so far in school without reading skills.... I won't get on my soap box.

And next, very important for my future, I passed my third and final Praxis Exam! The Praxis Exam is what you have to take to be certified to teach. I had to take a Principles of Learning and Teaching, an English Writing and Grammar, and this last one was English Literature. So now, the state sees me as a certified teacher! English students here I come! Pray with me about where to student teach! My deadline is November 1. Thanks!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fall Delights

I have realized I have about 23 different nicknames, especially at work. Here is a list.

Emils (pronounced Emulhs)
E Mac (probably my favorite one)

Ok, that's not 23, but that's a pretty good list.

This weekend is three days! Whoo hoo! Saturday I am going to Johnson City to see my friends Gina, who is about to pop with baby, and Kim, my old roommate. I am pretty excited about it. I miss them so much, since they were two of the most important people in Tennessee Tech days. As they are now of course, but then was just college.... ahhhhh.

And I'll be out of Knoxville on game day, which is a huge blessing since I think UT football is quite possibly the most obnoxious event in the Southeast. The Good Reverend is going on Saturday with Friend Justin, and I'm glad for him, but more glad for me that I will not be in town. He asked if I ever wanted to go to a game this year (or ever again) and I told him the chances were very slim. It takes ALL day long, there are entirely TOO many people there, I think orange is ugly, I don't understand football, there aren't people for me to socialize with, and fans take it toooooo far with their zeal. And its either too hot or too cold. BUT, I will say, it is special to see the team run through the "T" and hear Rocky Top for the first time. (I had to say something nice.)

On the other hand, I want to talk about how much I love fall. Pastor Jack asked me what I loved about fall, and 8 minutes later I stopped my list of what I love. It's beginning to feel and smell like fall... just barely. But just barely is good enough for me after a long, hot summer. It doesn't feel as stifling hot and humid. I have sinus issues. Football is starting, much to my disdain, but it is still fall-ish. I can't wait for the leaves to start changing and I have to get my sweaters and boots out. And the new fall clothes are really cute too.

I have started a few new things this season. I only have one class, which will not amount to much but will be interesting when I'm there, and it's only on Mondays. So... I have started a few new things.
  • I have a few books going, A Tale of Two Cities and How to Read Literature Like a Professor. We've already established that I am a nerd.
  • I have started to knit. (I did a few years ago and then re-learned the other day.) I am currently making a dishcloth. Expect knitted things for Christmas!
  • I have started to tutor reading at Alcoa Middle School. Always a delight to see 8th graders read (insert Zoolander comment).
  • I have started a new strength training/aerobics class on Wednesday mornings (still sore...).
  • And finally, I will be starting a Bible study at church on Judges and Ruth. AND Buddy Odom's Bible study that Jack and I go to will start up again.

See, fall is so exciting. I love the beginning of a new season. I definitely take after Mom in that way. She loves new things to start and have a fresh outlook on old things. Mom is awesome. So encouraging.

So with all my new ventures, I think I can endure the next 3 1/2 months at WVLT. Thank you Jesus for new seasons and for fall!