Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My American Tragedy

So the past few days my car has been pretty slow to start. So slow, in fact, that it didn't start at all today. Turns out my battery is dead. I wasn't freaking out or anything this morning, because my mom was home on vacay today and was generous enough to let me use her car. But still, I was frustrated by the hassle and inconvenience of having to drive a different car, plan to jump off my car later tonight, and then go get a new battery installed.

As this was on my mind, I pulled into the parking lot on campus. The Lord definitley put me in my place because as I was pulling in, I saw a man and woman get out of a car and start to dig in the two dumpsters located at the edge of the parking lot. Who knows if they were looking for food, clothes, or stuff to re-sale. But it broke my heart. Here I was in my Banana Republic pants, new shoes, and my mom's nice car, and I'm complaining. Gosh. I suck. My battery "tragedy" is nothing. It's just nothing. No big deal at all. What that couple deals with is a big deal. I am thankful that I am reminded constantly that I have nothing to complain about. Sometimes all I want to do is adopt an "everything happens to me" attitude, but I just can't. I've seen too much real tradedy in the world to do that.

Last night on CNN, Anderson Cooper, who is my favorite journalist of all time, interviewed Angelina Jolie about her UN humanitarian adventures. (I know people think she "stole" Brad from Jen, blah blah blah. ) But it was a really good interview about how her experiences in third world countries affect her experiences on the red carpet. She said she did the red carpet for her job, but she was always thinking about the kids, third world countries and how those things have changed her heart. (She gives a third of her income to third world countries.) I wonder how much my experiences have changed my heart. Without my trips to Kenya, how would I be different? I can't imagine being another way, unless I'm more to the extreme of "saving the world." So I guess I can continue my save the world campaign by having a more compassionate attitude towards people who search the dumpsters and being aware that I shouldn't complain about things as simple as having to get a new battery. If thats the worst that happens to me, I've got it pretty good.

In other thoughts and considerations, my God's Food Program is going well. (I'm not calling it a diet because if I did, I wouldn't want to do it.) I have eaten a lot of salads and what feels like barrels of fruit. I do feel healthy and I am pleased to say that I slept past 6:26 this morning. Cousin Jodie is still prego, but I think it will be this weekend. I can't wait!! I will be an "auntie." Technically a second cousin, but we have decided that we are close enough for me to be Aunt Em.


Blogger JiLL @ Lellowbird said...

Oh Auntie Em! Your blog is my favorite to read!
Thank you again for the inspiration (and conviction) you brought to my day.

Keep it up!

1:54 PM  
Blogger ImaMommie said...

I love your blogs. Really puts things into perspective. I love other countries! I'm even wearing my flip flops today that I bought in Kenya! Not really to honor Kenya, but to match my outfit. But, I will say that when I put them on this morning, it brought back all the memories that you and I made on our past African voyage! I loved it! I hope we will have another trip to a foreign land together in the future!

1:57 PM  

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