Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Of a Tuesday

I am drinking a giant cup of green tea, I have on a warm fuzzy turtleneck, and it's 45 degrees outside. PLUS, I have less than 2 months at work. I am SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! So the official countdown is one month and 29 days. Let me just clarify that that includes weekends and Thanksgiving. Without weekends and Thanksgiving, it is 42 days! And today was a good day in the 8th grade English class- I got to help some kids one on one and Ms. Amburgey gave a good lesson. So of course that makes me more excited to be in the classroom. God keeps giving me nuggets of encouragment and hope that teaching is for me- Praise the Lord! Doubt is no fun.

So I've been slacking in blogging, much like, ahem, some other people, and one pastor I know, but the past two weekends have been so great! Two weekends ago was when Jack and I went to NC for the weekend with his mom and dad. I wanted to post pictures, but blogger was mean. Like it is being right now. I want to post pictures of our fun afternoon picking apples in an orchard, but I don't know if that's going to happen. But the afternoon was BEAUTIFUL, and it was the whole weekend. It has been the perfect fall weather lately. And the next day Linda and I had fun going through all the shops in Blowing Rock. I love Blowing Rock because it is so quaint and friendly.

Yay! Blogger agreed with me! Here is the Good Reverend picking apples.

This past Friday Cousin Jill (who doesn't blog anymore either...) and her hubby Josh came and stayed for the weekend after they visited Cousin Osh (who blogs sometimes). Pastor Jack and I met them in Pigeon Forge and then went to Gatlinburg, drove through Townsend and went up to the top of the Foothills Parkway.

Well, apparently two pictures was enough for this website. But we had a great time with them. I liked seeing the mountains through their eyes because so many times we take it for granted.

Tonight I am hanging out with my long lost friend Caroline! Yay! We haven't seen each other in so long! Tomorrow is my aerobics class, I'm getting a haircut (I don't know how yet), and I'm going to the doctor since I can't sleep anymore. Maybe she will tell me that I am like some kind of robot who doesn't need sleep. I hope not because I would really like to get 8 hours once again. If you think of it, pray for me in that area!

Lately I have been pretty interested in politics, even locally. Interesting, seeing as how I never have been before. My class is going well, but rather boring. I am reading a really good Francine Rivers book. An easy read, but good. I think that's most of my tidbits for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogs are the ultimate stream of consciousness writing.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a blogger! I think I may just read some more....
Ash :)

7:33 PM  
Blogger ImaMommie said...

well cousin jodie posted a new blog today with the help of baby bean.

i like the apples!

4:09 PM  

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