Books Schmooks
This is my story about the Blount County Public Library and why I don't like it.
Last Thursday I thought, "I am going to be smart and save my money and to the Public Library and check out the Francine Rivers book I had seen at Barnes and Noble." So I went, knowing that I didn't have my library card, but thinking that I could just give a phone number or something easy like that. Well, no. I had to sign up for a new library card and pay $3. THEN the nice library lady said, "Well, it looks like you have a late fee from 2005." I said, "Oh, really? Well, ok. How much?" Thinking it would be a dollar or two. OH NO. It was $9. I went ahead and paid because it was pretty much inevitable that I would have to. I filled out my form, wrote the $12 check and then expected to go get my Francine Rivers book. OH NO. I couldn't check out any books because I didn't have the postcard that allowed me to get my library card. So, I went back to the library today since I had my postcard, I had time, and I wanted my book. I waited in line, got the official Blount County Public Library card, went to the RIV section and my book was NOT THERE. So, I spend $12, a lot of patience, and I could have already been halfway through the book if I had just bought it in the first place. That is why I do not like the Public Library. I will always be a huge fan of They are cheap and books arrive within a few days. And you don't have to pay $12 for... nothing.
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