Plain or Peanut

Some days are melt in your mouth and some days are a little nutty.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Peculiar and Astonishing

These are two words that I think are great. They are rare, descriptive and funny. When someone says something is peculiar or astonishing, you know they really mean it.

I have a peculiar story. You know how in a class, the first day everyone more or less claims their seat for the rest of the semester. You go in, you spot a good area, then a good seat and you claim it. People, or adult students I should say, are very comfortable sticking to THEIR seat. You don't move around to a better seat because it might be someone else's seat. There is usually a grace period of about two days where you can get really comfortable with where you are. That said.... I have been in my American Lit class (which is awesome) for about four weeks. A week from today is the last class. It's not time to switch seats or decide you want a better one. This girl that sits in front of me has decided she wants MY seat. WHAT?! It's mind boggling really. Not quite astonishing, but definitely peculiar. She definitely broke the Golden Rule of Seats.

It actually started about a week ago. I went into the classroom and went to my usual seat- third row, third seat. However, I had an intruder. I thought, ok, maybe she just got confused and it will be for today only. So I sat behind her but didn't like it because I didn't have good eye contact with my Bruce McNeil professor. The next day, she was in my seat. Not cool. It's been that way for a week now and I just don't get it. People in a college setting don't DO that. So, I haven't been playing games with her or anything, but when I get there before her, I sit in my previously claimed seat. Is that mean? This week she's just sat behind me and I haven't had to be a jerk or anything. And so the seat saga will continue for another week.

By the way, I'm blogging on my super cool new laptop! I enjoy it greatly. I've already almost finished my first paper on it and I'm listening to my Celtic Psalms CD, courtesy of Cousin Jill.

As more peculiar and astonishing things happen, I will post. I hope they do because that's the good stuff!


Blogger JiLL @ Lellowbird said...

maybe you're being included in a secret experiment about human behavior and her job is to go in a classroom and observe the reactions to little things like that.
although that would be a pretty lame job and you'd have to REALLY like going to school...
she must be a nerd!

3:09 PM  

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